




Through community management we connect target users to your brand every day by educating and informing them of the reasons why a service or product you offer is precisely the one they need, and at the same time we can increase the number of users following your page through Facebook advertisements. If used together, these two processes give excellent results.

Community management

Community management

Project phases:

- finding and adjusting the materials planned in the approach strategy
- creating the optimal number of tabs (branding the entire page and creating special tabs and applications)
- sorting out materials for the planned approach strategy on social networks (text editing, photo editing, advertisement design, etc.)
- posting material on pages daily and sharing them on social networks
- continuous optimisation of the approach strategy on social networks in accordance with the results
- communicating with fans, finding new fans...
- creating monthly reports and detailed analyses of results


  • Creating on-line banners Creating advertisements Web design Branding Graphic design Print preparation Creating illustrations (vector) Multimedia On-line PDF Mobile SEO&SEF optimisation Facebook&Google on-line campaigns Newsletter Garage advertising

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